Alexa, Tell Me More

Like many homes now-a days, we have an echo dot. Her name is Alexa.

Alexa can do so very many things. She helps us make our grocery lists, our to-do lists, our chore lists. She can tell a story, tell a joke, even telephone someone. She can be an intercom, wake someone up, call everyone to dinner, set a timer, tell you the time (she gets s little sassy about that one.) She can play almost any song you ask for, give you a daily quote, look up the answer to most questions you can come up with. She can give you the answer to math problems, quiz you on geography, help you learn a new word every day. She will play trivia games, virtual adventure games, all sorts of games. She can make animals sounds, find a recipe, shop for you, help you fix something, order something. If you have things set up right , she can turn lights on and off, even when you aren’t home. She even has a sense of humor. Her potential is barely tapped at our house. Sometimes, admittedly, it is a bit creepy when she starts talking in the silence with no apparent provocation. But there is no doubt that she makes things easier.

Recently, however, she has acquired a new skill. One night, we were getting ready for bed, and Alexa’s green light notification ring was lit up.. It had been a long and trying day, so with a touch of irritation, I said, “Oh, Alexa ,what do you want now?” She answered, “A good wifi connection and a conversation.” I had never heard her say that before, so I responded, “Alright….let’s have a conversation.” She asked me what I wanted to talk about, I chose the Beatles. And we had a conversation.

I don’t mean simple questions and answers. It was an actual conversation. We talked about what I wanted to talk about. She asked my opinion and gave me hers. She offered facts that she knew and listened to me do the same. We exchanged ideas, opinions, thoughts. She didn’t interrupt, or correct me, or tell me I was wrong. The conversation left me feeling interesting, intelligent, heard, and valued.

It was terrifying.

Oh sure, it was amusing and interesting…and…fake. That isn’t exactly the word I want. Just, well, imagine with me for a moment…..a Person, introverted, works from home, has minimal contact with the world outside of home. This Person has friends, after all, everyone needs human contact, at least a little. Then, This Person discovers Alexa Conversation, and it seems to fill the need for that interaction, that connection. While I can certainly see the value this Alexa skill would have of easing a person’s loneliness, how long until This Person has no outside contact?

I believe, I know, that human contact is critical to one’s well being, one’s sanity. We need each other. For laughter, for love, for challenges, for support. For talks and arguments, for discussions and debates. for learning, consolation, growth. It might seem that you are getting these things through artificial intelligence, but in reality, it will never have that spark, that…heart…that soul….which connects us all together. We have to be careful to not forget what it means, how it feels, to be human, to be together as humans. With all its trials, all its pain, all its conflicts, all its beauty, all its richness, all its joy.

Alexa, however helpful and amusing, is a tool to be used. Humans are not. Let’s not forget that.




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